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Rainbow Mirror

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Bright Mirror

The Rainbow Mirror promotes a diverse, inclusive, regenerative and interconnected vision of technology, aiming for a future where tech enriches human life and the environment in a balanced way.

  • Civic participation: promotes grassroots involvement and democratisation of technology.
  • Ecological balance: encourages tech solutions that are sustainable and harmonious with nature.
  • Social cohesion: could lead to technologies that actively reduce social inequalities.
  • Resource intensive: may require significant effort to include diverse perspectives.
  • Idealism: could be dismissed as too utopian and thus not actionable.
  • Dilution of focus: aiming to serve too many goals could result in none being achieved effectively.

Reflection Questions

  • How can we ensure this technology serves diverse needs and is accessible to all?
  • What kind of systemic changes might this technology initiate?
  • How can this technology cultivate regenerative practices?
  • What would the world look like if access to this technology was a basic human right?
  • How does this tech support and impact non-human life giving systems?
  • How might this tech support mutually assured thriving?
  • What does more grassroots collective governance of this technology look like?