Tethix Codesign Principles

Crafted by: Tethix

We believe the best way to create meaningful solutions for people is to design with them. Our 7 principles guide us in this process.

More about the set

Give the community a voice for action

We strive to give the community a voice for action. Enabling the divergence of the many voices and facilitating convergence of the many into one. This is a collective effort. A complex and challenging one but one that is foundational to the codesign approach.

Embrace the ambiguity of the process

We embrace the ambiguity of the process. The process of design is sometimes ambiguous and mostly non-linear. We go back and forth, two steps forward, one step back… because we accept we don’t always have clarity on the specifics for how something will unfold. But we define the why, collectively imagine the outcome, embrace the ambiguity and support each other through the process.

Diversify the mediums for people to contribute

We diversify the mediums that support people in contributing. In this community journey of creation we need to progressively provide different ways for people to contribute in ways that match their context and skillset. Be that sketching a wireframe in a collaborative workshop, presenting imagery or writing a haiku and sharing this in whatever way suits them.

Think big and build tiny

Throughout this journey we think big and build tiny. What we build may need to match the scope of the vision but we must do what we can to encourage the beautifully ambitious and build the smallest tangible and valuable increment towards it, together.

Playing together is greater than showing and telling

Playing and learning together is greater than just showing and telling. We strive to support participating in ways that enable more tactile and hands-on approaches to community contributions. We work to make it as experiential and playful as possible and learn by doing, together.

Each solution is an invitation for continual co-creation

Every iteration cycle provides more opportunity to continue designing with people. We use data, insight and experience to frame potential solutions. Then work with people to challenge our assumptions and repeat the cycle. It’s a continual process of co-creation.

Harness human diversity

We do whatever, whenever we can to harness the diversity within and outside our community. Acknowledging our unique differences and strengths. Recognising the powerful insights that come from people with a lived experience different to our own. Cross pollinating to inform the best approaches that can help us achieve our purpose.