Tools and techniques
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Explore the directory of tools and techniques that can help you transform your practice.
Values in computing
Values in Computing (ViC) is about understanding how human values work in software production. It investigate both easier to measure values such as the commercial success of a software product and more difficult to capture values such as fairness, trust and public good.
Ethically Aligned Design
A comprehensive report that combines conceptual frameworks, principles and recommendations to support the ethical design process.
Ethical tools for designers
Ethical decision-making based on the three most common theories of ethical action.
Flourishing Enterprise Innovation Toolkit
The Flourishing Enterprise Innovation Toolkit enables leaders to design their flourishing enterprise: socially beneficial, environmentally regenerative and financially viable.
MethodKit for Gender Equality
A kit that focus on gender equality in organisations.
Envisioning Cards
Based on nearly two decades of work in Value Sensitive Design, the Envisioning Cards are designed to evoke consideration and discussion of such concerns within the context of design practice.
Privacy by Design
Privacy by design is a set of 7 guiding principles to bring privacy to the forefront of decision making in any project.